
Self-Storage options in your Oxford, Mississippi neighborhood


When you need a little more space, Seeker Storage has the room to help you store your items.

Seeker Storage, Oxford, Mississippi, Self-Storage, House Storage

Reclaim your House

Are your closet stuffed to the brim? Is your garage serving as a storage space for your items rather than a space for your car? Our storage spaces can help you reclaim some of your home’s square footage.

Seeker Storage, Oxford, Mississippi, Self-Storage, Moving


If your moving plans don’t line up perfectly, you can store your already-packed-household items in one of our units until you’re ready to move into your new space.

Seeker Storage, Oxford, Mississippi, Self-Storage, Traveling, Military Deployment

Traveling & Military Deployment

Pack light for your travels and store everything else with us. Since all our units run on month-to-month contracts, you can store what you don’t need and go.

Seeker Storage, Oxford, Mississippi, Self-Storage, Staging for Sale

Staging for a Sale

Realtors often tell home sellers to declutter and stage their home before an open house so that shoppers can picture themselves in the home. If your house is going on the market and you need a place to store your items, put them in storage so you can best show your house to potential buyers.

Seeker Storage, Oxford, Mississippi, Self-Storage, Subletting, AirBnb

Subletting & Airbnb-ing

Are you sharing your home with others while you’re away? Whether you’re subletting or listing your home on AirBnB, store your personal items so that you don’t have to share them with your guests.

Seeker Storage, Oxford, Mississippi, Self-Storage, Remodeling


Whenever you remodel, the more room you have the better. Keeping items in storage will help make the remodeling process a lot easier and smoother.